Capacity Building Programmes
- Identifying issues
- Social Analysis
- Analyzing the challenges
- Addressing the crucial issues.
- SHG concept
- Federation concept
- Gender Sensitization
- O & M
- Time Management
- SHM accounts & documentation
- SHM Scope
- Natural Resource Management & mobilization
- Right to information Act 2005
- Panchayat Raj Institution (73rd amendment)
- Nagar Palika
- Leadership & personality development
- Youth animation
- Vacation camp for children
- Entrepreneurship development
- Health issues (HIV / AIDS)
- Natural disaster management
- Career advancement
- Rural technologies
- Krishi Chetana
- Chintana Shibir
- Information about government schemes
- Linkage with financial institutions
- Vocational training on need based skills
- Total quality management